If you asked me years ago “Would you ever homeschool?”, I would have given a definitive “NO.” However, 2020 changed my path and I suddenly had young children home from public school that needed teaching. I dove in to find out the how, what and when of home education. I spent long nights in research discovering what worked best for my children and myself. I’ve tried and failed, and tried again. I’ve found some fantastic resources and created an eclectic method that works well for us. I have a passion for supporting others in their learning endeavors and found that I needed a central place to answer the many questions I get asked about our family’s home education. After many conversations with other moms who have said “I just don’t know where to start”, I decided to share our journey.

The classes I offer came about by us seeking a way to connect with families who have similar interests and make friends. After exploring co-ops, I realized there was a need for secular options where kids could come to connect, parents could drop-off for a much needed respite and learning happened in a fun, creative, hands-on way. I am state and federal background checked, have been first-aid certified and have previously been licensed as a foster parent. My classes are secular, diverse and fact based. Parents are always welcome to stay however, I encourage you to take a well deserved break instead. The Academy of Chaos was born out of my desire to create community, be a light for those considering this crazy world of non-traditional learning and to empower women and families to deeply explore the needs of their family to decide what best suits their learning goals. In my home education I use the motto of teaching with care, living with purpose.

I wasn’t always a SAHM, these are some names I’ve been called before:

User Experience Consultant, Neuroscientist, Brand Strategist, Simulations Manager, Account Executive, Data Analyst, User Testing Coordinator, Interaction Designer, Photographer, Video Producer, Editor, Game Developer, Team Leader, Interactive Marketer, Community Manager, Negotiator, Ecommerce Program Manager, Youth Development Director, Ballroom Dance Instructor, Acting Coach, Pageant Queen, Home Education Teacher…but by far the best is Mama.

- Jean